Have you got any questions?

We will answer them

Who can rent a boat? What is required to do so?

Any person of legal age (18+) can rent a boat if documentation is provided

Can I rent if I don't have a nautical licence? What if I don't have any experience?

Anyone can rent a boat even without a navigation licence. Renting boats up to 5 metres in length and an engine of 15hp can be rented in Spanish waters by any person of legal age.

Am I insured during my rental? What is the deposit for?

All the boats are covered by all-risk insurance so that the renter will be covered for any accident or incident. We will use the deposit paid at the beginning of the rental period to cover any damage caused by the renter, which will be his responsibility. Example: burning a mattress with a cigarette, damage caused to the engine's propeller by not complying with the rules explained before setting off, improper use of the boat, etc...

Where can I navigate?

Each company will have navigation limits for its boats. If you do not have a licence, the distance will be 2 miles from the port or a sheltered place. As long as the fuel allows it, you can navigate freely during the rental, always complying with the regulations and rules explained before leaving the port.

How much will I have to pay for fuel?

This is one of the most common questions, each boat has a different consumption per hour, and this will vary depending on several factors such as wind, sea conditions, speed, and the load of the boat. The more powerful the engine and the faster you navigate, the higher your consumption. But don't panic and enjoy the sea and its charms!

Can I bring food and drinks?

Of course you can! You can bring whatever you want. Many boats have a small fridge where you can store your drinks. At sea, you should always stay well hydrated

What are the booking requirements?

The boat must always be booked in advance. You must take into account that we will never return this reservation unless: -The sea conditions are not optimal for navigation. -The boat has a malfunction and cannot be repaired. The day scheduled for renting the boat cannot be changed unless we are notified well in advance and a solution can be found